
             ( o o )
      |                                          |
      |   Oooo           CONTACT DAVE DIAMOND!!  |
      |   (   )   Oooo.                          |
      +----\ (----(   )--------------------------+
            \_)    ) /

      If you want to swap:
      Commercial games (new & old).
      Public Domain.
      Videos of all kinds.
      80`s music.
      Jiffy junk.
      Or even if you want to sell old comedy videos.

      What-ever the reason,contact me NOW!!

                             (o o)
              |                                    |
              |    GWENT,NP2 3PA,SEND A S.A.E      |
                             || ||
                            ooO Ooo

      200% reply!
      Send a s.a.e with your list first time.
      Sorry! I wont trade any utilities or porn.
      Mega,mega,mega fast and reliable people only!


                *        for friendly swap             *
                * 1                                  1 *
                * 0             CARP                 0 *
                * 0  PHUTURE303^STROBE^FRIENDS ZONE  0 *
                * %            STEVEN                % *
                *        107 TINTERN ROAD              *
                * r          CARSHALTON              r *
                * e            SURREY                e *
                * p           SM5 1QG                p *
                * l           ENGLAND                l *
                * y                                  y *
                *      p303-subculture support         *
                *     strobe-dreams pack support       *
                *                                      *


       214/Void        [rA]     ..øPEN.yØUR.m!ND.!!!...:.:|  _ |
       37 Hayfell Avenue ______ : ____ _     _________.:_ |  \\|
       Heron Hill        \     |:/  _///_        ____/_//_|__ _|
       Kendal             \ \  |/     /_ _____ _       | ___///|
       Cumbria      _/\__  \ · !     /// _____//  ·    | \:    |
       La9 7jh     \::::/   \        :   \:   ||  :    |       |
       England, Uk /_::_\    `------'|    | .:||__:____|       |
              \/.........:    l________|   l________j---'
       For joining void uk, friendship swapping, all welcome!!!!

       Vote spreaders/collectors 4:
                                        Feedback by Apathy!
                                        Implant by Apathy!


            |                                             |
            | Are you fed up with reading sad sex letters |
            | by Dave Diamond?                            |
            |                                             |
            |                                             |
            | Do you wish you could do something          |
            | about it??                                  |
            |                                             |
            | Well now you can!!                          |
            |                                             |
            | Just send whatever donation you can         |
            | and send it to your nearest prostitute      |
            | with my address and the instructions for    |
            | "The Works" as soon as possible.            |
            |                                             |
            | Female prostitutes are only required        |
            | for this job!                               |
            |                                             |
            | So dont delay!                              |
            | Get Dave Diamond...a lay!                   |
            |                                             |
            |                                             |


                       iNTERnET kILLED sWAPPING..

                   bUT tHERE aRE sTILL sUME fEW kOOL
                  dEDICATED sCENERS wHO sTILL dOES iT
                            "tHA oLD sKOOL"
                             im 1..........

                            Skaarabrekka 11 
                             4370 Egersund
                   ________     ________     ________
                 __\    _ /_  __\      /_  __\      /_
                |        _/ \|     .     \|      \    \
                |     ¦      \__   ¦      \__     \    \__
                l_____¦        /___¦        /_____       /
                      `-------/[dWb]-------/   `--------/


                 - S T Y L E S   /   S 2 ^ Void -                
                 s2, ^      / ______/\wRite uZ fOr>
                 +He _(( ^ / /\____ \/FrIeNd bOat <
                NeX+ (..) /_____  /\  SwApPiNg... >
                BeS+  \/ _\____/ / /             -<
                +HiNg   / /\__/ / /<^-^-^-^-^-^-^-<
                Af+Er  / ______/ /  Styles / s2 )^<
                aArD- / /\____ \/   Holleweg 82 )^^
               Beien /_____  /\ 1851 KJ  Heiloo sFx
                VlA!_\____/ / / The Netherlands )^<
                   / ______/ /   _               -< 
                  / /\_____\/   Or: ScanDal/ s2 )^<
                 / /_/_/ /\        Holleweg 68 cOde
                /_______/ /     1851 KJ Heiloo &GfX
                \_______\/      The Netherlands )^<

                 - S T Y L E S   /   S 2 ^ Void - 
                .oOOo.FrIeNdShIp RuLeS 4 eVeR.oOOo.


                 _________  _________    _________
                 \     __ `--,      _`--/        _`--,
                  \_    /  _/___   _/ _/___      /  /
                 .:|    _]     |   \      |        /:.

                   supafast finnish mail/modemtrader
                    · bRAINDEAd/tRSI rECORDZ^HRMU ·
                     pL 82 · 02321 eSPOO · fINLAND
                  100% reply. for pure elite swapping


                      ..  | ...  ..   .
                          |      ! Hi Freaks !
                       :  I'm searching for some
                     1 .  Spaced-up kewl contacts 1
                     0 .  for Module, New Scene-  0
                     0    Stuff (I)Legal <- - ->  0
                     %    If you're interested,   %
                          Put your hands on your
                     A    Keybord and write me a  A    
                     N         >L E T T A<        N
                     S          zANy^rNo          S
                     W         Ole  Skåra      .  W
                     E        Aarstadgt.47        E
                     R       4370  Egersund    :  R 
                                 Norway    . . | .. .
                                  `NoW'        :


                                       ____  ____
                           ____________)  /__)  /      
                   -------/     /___  /     /  /-----
                 --------/  (__/ __  /  /  /  /-------- 
                   -----/__/  /_____/_____/__/-pNt-- 

                  Dissapointed that I have not written
                     to you yet, well complain at 

               Rabl/Void - Rietmees 96 - 7827 CD - Emmen

